Monday, 19 January 2015

Finding inspiration in yourself- A guide to self compassion not selfishness

For a moment think of the people who you find inspirational.

You may find them inspirational for a number of reasons;

- they have a great talent 
- they have done great things 
- they have achieved things you wouldn't and couldn't expect 

This list could be quite endless, if it were to include every reason as to why people find other people inspirational. 

However, for a moment think about yourself, your talents, your achievements, the great things you have done. 

You might start feelings a little stuck.. feeling uncomfortable? 

Thats natural, strangely, because we live in a society that we barely celebrate our own successes in life, that we do not act kindly to ourselves, as we would others.. but why? 

Because it is wrongly convinced as being self centred, narcissist, selfish. 

Understanding why we feel the way we do, and societies perceptions of looking after ourselves and being self compassionate, celebrating ourselves would be a whole discussion in itself. So instead we must assume this is what happens, and discover how to change and reprogram ourselves to be self compassionate, and see the inspirational acts we struggle to see in ourselves, but so easily see in others. 

What is self compassion though? 

I would describe it as an act in which we take the negative criticisms we give ourselves in life, and turn them up side down. Instead of being angry at yourself for not achieving something you wanted to achieve, you self comfort, self rationalise. 

An example 

'You forget an important date or meeting and let someone else down'

Think about the feelings this gives you about yourself 

'idiot you let them down', 'guilt about forgetting', 'stupidity for forgetting' 'let down'   

All or mostly very negative, self critical thoughts? 

Now picture this as your friend, who is going through a stressful situation, has a lot on their plate, and forgot a meeting, and let someone down. 

How would you comfort that person? 

'Stress can create forgetfulness', 'the person knows you didn't mean to forget, they are not angry', 'it will be okay, you can arrange another meeting', 'maybe do some self management so you don't feel so overwhelmed' 'don't beat yourself up!'

Now comfort yourself with those words, in place of the negative ones. 

That feels odd, right? It gets easier. 

Being kind and thoughtful to yourself does not mean your are being selfish, you are treating yourself as you would others. Think of the saying 'Treat others how you would like to be treated yourself'.. but do you include how you treat yourself in that? 

We so often use self criticism to motivate ourselves. 

'You need to loose weight because you are fat and ugly' 

Would you say those words to a friend if they were over weight and wanted to loose weight? 

We use hurtful words towards ourselves, without recognising how hurtful and mean we are to ourselves. 

How can we expect others to treat us kindly and nicely when we do not do this ourselves? 

So now, we can try and tackle our self criticisms, and start to act self compassionately about ourselves, and our actions. 

You just did something inspirational, you were kind and compassionate to someone in a selfless act!  And yes it does count on yourself! 

Once you start you will find small differences in yourself. I have found I am less angry towards others, and myself. 

I am so much more contented and happy!

I hope this will guide you to helping you to accept yourself, and gain self compassion, leading you to see in yourself the inspiration others see in you.

If you have any questions about this blog, please do not hesitate to contact me. 

Saturday, 3 January 2015

Little scavenger - Self compassionate letter to the neglected hungry me (as a child)

Dear little scavenger girl,

You tiny little thing, your hair so blonde and fluffy, your face so smiley.. but why are your eyes dark, your skin so dank, your hair so thin, your nails to brittle...

When did you last eat? When was your last meal?

Is this why you travel across town to other peoples houses and wait around until its time for tea.. hoping they offer up food?

Let me feed you, healthy, proper food, let me give you love and support.. so you don't feel the need to scavenge for your food like a street rat.

You might be given food from a skip to eat from those who are there to look after you, but this doesn't mean you are worth less than the other children.

I am sorry you were so hungry you have constant stomach pains, that you  throw up bile..because there just isn't anything else in your tiny stomach.

The hunger pain is your comfort.. the only thing that keeps you sharp, keeps you alive... the hunt for the next meal.

Then when a meal was provided, you have to eat every last piece .."Think of the starving children in Africa".. be grateful for what you have.

Force fed liver, blegh I know you hate the feeling it creates at the top of your mouth.

Picking out glass in your pasta as you eat it... the shops had started to make it harder for people to take from the skips, by putting glass and bleach in them..

Food wasn't a priority for Herion parents.. and thats not your fault, you were small, and kept quite to make sure you didn't get a wack.

You are a good child, and you don't deserve to feel the way you do, to be scared to ask for food..

I still dream of the kitchen cupboard, of you scavenging through it, looking for something, anything to eat.

Dried pasta was easy.. you and your scavenger brother would 'cook' it in the flame of the gas cooker. Dried noodles... they helped to make you feel full for a while.

I remember the day you and your brother learnt to make pitta breads, flour and water.. easy to do.

I want to tell you something.. you can put down your hunting tools, let me clean up your face.

I can look after you now, feed you well, care for you. You do not need to eat as if its your last meal, you don't need that extra bit of fat to get you through the day or until you can eat again.

Do you trust me? I trust you.. and I know all you want is for someone to make sure you get fed... I am sorry I have made you eat more than you need for fear of you starving...I know now that you won't starve again.. I have money, time and skill to feed you in the right way... and you deserve that.

Lets make your hair long and healthy, your nails and bones strong and take away those bags under your eyes.

I love you little scavenger girl, lets drop the scavenger so you can just be a girl, a healthy, happy, well fed girl.

Feel that difference in your stomach? Thats it realising that you are safe, secure and well fed.

Love you and will always feed you well


Friday, 2 January 2015

New Year Changes - Recognising a negative relationship

Its a new year 2015 (now closer to 2030 than 2000... am I the only one that feels really old reading that?)

New Years are some of the best times to start something new, or make major changes.

Maybe this year you wish to have a more positive life, and to do that you might need to be able to recognise a negative relationship...

Growing up in care, its likely that you have come across your share of negative relationships. Some you have control over if they are in your life, others… sadly might just be stuck there until you can do something about it. 

When you become a ‘grown up’ (huh, when and how did that happen?!) You have the power to control who you have involved in your life. Some people choose to have people in their lives that have a negative effect, sometimes because they don’t have the self compassion to realise they deserve a positive relationship with that person.. or maybe.. they just accept thats how it is, and they are willing to have that person in their life regardless of the effect they have on them.

It is difficult in life to make those judgements, to decide who is worth that pain, upset… because thats the way they are, or just to say, 'nope… cya later, I deserve better than that'. 

Sometimes you got to bite your tongue, and keep someone there, because it just causes so much more distress if you choose another option. 

But what is a negative relationship? 

How can you recognise when its not healthy or good for you? 

I few things I look out for…

They expect you to give, but don’t expect to give anything back (this can be seen in many terms, from money, time or emotional care ) 
They make you feel bad for the choices you make in life 
They don’t make you feel supported
They make you feel like your pulling teeth trying to get them to think about someone other than themselves 
They verbally/physically/emotionally hurt you 
They make you feel guilty for not thinking about them first in a situation that isn't about them 
They don’t try to keep a relationship if you don’t contact them, its always you to make the effort 
They expect you to take on all of their issues without being willing to take on yours

A few examples …

These may be short term issues, in which you can simply move away from that person until you are strong enough to handle that, or they change. 

Some situations are so serious that the only choice is to cut the cord and move away from the negative relationship

The only person who can decide what is right for you at that current time, is you. You will know how much you can handle, you will know if it hurts you so bad you spend the day crying. 

Don’t ever feel bad for making a choice to keep yourself from a relationship that makes you sad, drained or upset. 

You deserve better than that, surround yourself with the positive, empowering people and break away from those who bring you down from being the best person you can be. 

It might be a long time friend, it might even be a family member. Regardless, if they don't respect you for you, and put in the same effort you do, and chastise you if your not regarding them every step of your life, make you feel worthless,  they are not worth your time, effort, emotion at that current time.

It again is then your choice how long you keep this person away from you. It might be a life time choice, or maybe just a few weeks until you feel stronger to deal with that situation. 

Be kind to yourself this year, and be your own best friend.

Happy New Year everyone!