Monday, 15 December 2014

Why not wanting kids is fine

Far too often I get that 'Look' from people when I tell them, kids right now just isn't what me and my wonderful Fiancé want and wont be for a good few years (when if ever?!)
I think these 9 points are pretty on par with our reasons.
Reason 4 is like I wrote it! 
'You want for nothing, not even stinky diapers, near constant tears, or sore nipples. YOU MONSTER. Right now, I have a challenging, creative job, a wonderful fiancé, two insane dogs, a family that I love, and more hobbies than you can shake one of my hand-knit throw blankets at. I love my life and I don't want to change it. '

I sometimes worry that I am missing out on a secret world, of mummies and babies, and I know I am excluded from certain conversations and relationships, because I just don't have a kid. But thats not reason enough for me to start pro-creating.
The one point thats not on here, is of course, I have done parenting, 3 really bloody hard years full of mental health disorders, and horrible complexities, and now thankfully the emotional rewards and to be honest I wouldn't be less likely to have children because of that, its the simple fact that I know the sense of responsibility that comes with having a child to look after, and I want time for me with my lovely guy, two dogs, one cat and terrapin....not the over powering sense of responsibility that comes with a child to love and care for.
Not wanting kids, doesn't mean I don't like children (far from it) or that I don't agree with other people having kids, I just don't agree with me having kids right now.

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