Monday, 15 December 2014

Why not wanting kids is fine

Far too often I get that 'Look' from people when I tell them, kids right now just isn't what me and my wonderful Fiancé want and wont be for a good few years (when if ever?!)
I think these 9 points are pretty on par with our reasons.
Reason 4 is like I wrote it! 
'You want for nothing, not even stinky diapers, near constant tears, or sore nipples. YOU MONSTER. Right now, I have a challenging, creative job, a wonderful fiancé, two insane dogs, a family that I love, and more hobbies than you can shake one of my hand-knit throw blankets at. I love my life and I don't want to change it. '

I sometimes worry that I am missing out on a secret world, of mummies and babies, and I know I am excluded from certain conversations and relationships, because I just don't have a kid. But thats not reason enough for me to start pro-creating.
The one point thats not on here, is of course, I have done parenting, 3 really bloody hard years full of mental health disorders, and horrible complexities, and now thankfully the emotional rewards and to be honest I wouldn't be less likely to have children because of that, its the simple fact that I know the sense of responsibility that comes with having a child to look after, and I want time for me with my lovely guy, two dogs, one cat and terrapin....not the over powering sense of responsibility that comes with a child to love and care for.
Not wanting kids, doesn't mean I don't like children (far from it) or that I don't agree with other people having kids, I just don't agree with me having kids right now.

Tuesday, 9 December 2014

Things to remember when in recovery of depression

Recovery from mental health illness.

I wrote this list last week, when I was feeling overwhelmed by my mental heal illness. I had a lot of positive response to them. So I wish to share them with you, so you are able to use them if you are finding it difficult to just simply gain understanding from those around you when it comes to your recovery.

  • Yes I may look fine and happy and healthy, no this not mean I am a strong rock able to deal with everything
  • Yes I try and help others through their issues, no this does not mean I am at 100% or anywhere close to that
  • Believe it or not I have been through a major breakdown recently, so do not expect me to be a happy go lucky and able to deal with all the emotional crap thrown my way. I am not a duck, the mud sticks it doesn't slide off right now.
  • I am a strong person, but I am also emotionally fragile. I am and still will be in recovery for a long while. Just because you might think something should not upset someone doesn't mean the receiver takes it that way.
  • Don't be the person who selfishly thinks that because I am a giver I will accept being walked all over. I work with equal relationships.. If you don't, then quietly step away from me, because I don't need that attitude in my life right now.
  • I am taking steps to ensure my mental health is not affected in the way it was before, I do not want to be broken again, so please, respect that, respect my recovery or kindly go away.

6 simple things, that I wrote down, that instantly made me feel better. I have been using them as a reminder to myself... as sometimes I feel I am better, then get upset and angry with myself when I have a bad day.. I need to remember to have self compassion with myself, and not be hard on myself, when I know I still have a long way to go to being 'well', and not at risk of relapse. 

My CBT therapist told me that if you have 3 cases of depression, you are 90% more likely to have a relapse. I took this as a challenge.

As a care leaver I went to university, I beat the 93% against me 
When I was in school I achieved 7 GSCE's A-C inc Maths and English, again I beat a massive statistic that was against me

I have never had a criminal record so beat that statistic that says that 61% of 16-18 year olds in custody are females who have been looked after children. 

I had a job within 6 months of graduating from university, and have not been out of work since, working above and beyond minimum wage. 

I am in a stable, healthy relationship, and due to get married 

I am saving for my wedding and a house with my partner 

I have worked so hard to be where I am in life, to be safe, happy, honest, open, stable....

And so far.. its worked out, I have beaten every statistic.. So I will beat this one. 

 Remember when you are in recovery, you have to remember to care for yourself, and embrace the positives in your life..those positives, big or small will save you.

Monday, 20 October 2014

Dear Wigglesworth - A letter to heal my inner self and child

So for the past few months I have been going to CBT.. yes finally actually dealing with some deep crap. Painful stuff I had packed so deep I had utterly forgotten about.

Therapy is a private affair, and I have spoken about things in that room that I have not uttered to anyone else.. so I hope you will understand why I have not shared much of anything on here.

Although alot has happened...

I was asked by Kevin (my therapist) to write a compassionate letter to myself.. to the young girl I was.. who felt so much pain, fear and neglect...

This was not an easy task, it brought tears, sadness... anger followed by understanding, compassion.. love

Anyway, here is my letter to myself, published, it exists and its a reminder to myself, to think and care about myself.

"Dear Wigglesworth

You are so brave, and intelligent.. I want you to know you did the right thing. 

It is not your fault you were left in an unsafe place. 

I know its hard not being able to remember, and its normal to feel like control has been taken from you with your memory.. but control has not been taken away from you.. control is yours, and you took it when you could and have taken control ever since… 

You were neglected… but not because you were bad, or didn't deserve to be looked after, but because heroin took away your mums attention, money, time, care. 

She was lost in the drugs. She did love you though, remember when you both skipped all the way through town because you had learnt to skip and wanted to skip everywhere? Thats love, not caring how you look, because you are making someone happy and sharing a happy moment… Mum just got lost along the way. Can you blame her.. she didn't know how to be a mum.. hers left her too.. but mums pain took over instead of pushing her forwards. 

Let me give you a big hug and keep you safe, because you are in control now

You can be happy… even though you have been sad for so long.. we will get there together, hand in hand. 

I remember when you were 11 and you cried in bed, mum didn't understand why, and put it down to periods.. she was wrong though, those didn't come for another 3 years. 

I can see now that you were upset because you were neglected, you didn't feel loved or cared for… you thought it wouldn't matter if you died because no one would notice. 

I am sorry its taken me so long to remember you have been so sad for so long… so it will be hard to break out of that when its the only thing thats kept close to you when there is nothing else. 

You do not deserve to feel this way, you are intelligent, caring, loving, cheeky, thoughtful, funny.. you put others before you.

You have to let yourself feel better, to be happy… to know that you deserve happiness 

I love you… and I am so sorry I didn't tell you before.. I didn't realise I had to tell you… but I do and did have to tell you everyday, because how can you believe that you deserve love if I don’t love you?! 

I feel such a fool now, and I am sorry to have neglected you.. I didn't mean to be one of those people…you sweet little girl.

Lets go skip and be happy because we both deserve that. we have been sad for too long, keeping ourself on shut down.. but for who? No one that matters…

Just you and me.

Yours Forever
Carrie Wigglesworth"

I hope that sharing this will help others remember their inner self, their young child inside that if like me you are dealing with depression.. still feels that pain as a child.. and we forgot to look back and care for that child.. and to let them know we care and love for them.

Wednesday, 9 July 2014

How much does to mind remember?

Have you ever wondered if our mind remembered dates and events without us realising, and making us feel a certain way.. And we just can't figure out why we might feel so crap or happy. 

I have been feeling very tired and exhausted the last couple of days, then today I used an app called 'timehop' that goes back onto your Facebook timeline and other social media portals and shows you  said on that day back years.

Today I'm feeling really crappy, and I looked back.. And 2 years today... was my nans funeral.. A funeral I helped to organise, and spoke at.. While also clearing her house with my dad.

What exhuasting and sad time it was for me, my last grand parent, one I had lost contact with for 12 years of my life. A woman I aspire to be..

So does my mind remember that event and is that why I am feeling crappy and a little lost? 

Either way, I will be kind to myself more than usual this week 

Do you ever find yourself feeling like this and then realising something had happened years before on that day? 

Or is it just me being werid?! 

Tuesday, 8 July 2014

Identity - Where am I, Who am I? - Transitioning again..

No one ever told me that throughout life you will question your identity, that life is full of transitions.. and just because you have made one or two major transitions, does not mean that you are going to ‘be’ that person for the rest of your life. 

Looking at it written on paper, it seems quite stupid of myself to assume somehow that I had done my transitioning and had reached the best I could be. 

As you may have noticed, I have had a major break from writing, not because I do not care about my site, or the people that read my rambles, but because I have been going through a quite stressful and painful transition without taking notice of it and in all honesty, not feeling able to share myself during this time. 

Sharing your experiences while you are going through a transitional situation is the hardest thing, because you do not know where it is taking you, and it can be a quite frightening period, where laying yourself out for judgement or criticism to everyone isn't healthy or helpful. 

It requires self care, family, friends, safety, privacy. 

I am now at the final part of my transition, figuring out where I am after, and ‘who I am’ from the experience. 

My transition from being a parent to just being me, (yes in the that order)

For three years, my life has been dedicated to parenting my younger brother, a period of life where everything I did was to create a better life for him, a safer life, a happier life. To provide him with what I didn't have as a child. 

It was not a planned parenting experience, it was abrupt, painful and very stressful, a situation that threw all of my own plans out the window to try and resolve the most horrendous situation my brother had been put into.

Don’t for a second think I would change this, and that I would move away from this parenting experience, because even if I relived that choice 100 times, the result would still be the same. Plus, these rambles are not about if I made the right choice, because I don’t even need to question that choice.. it is about where the experience took me. 

Final term of university, and I finally got my head in gear to sit down and put all of my effort into my final term, I wanted a First on my dissertation, I knew I could do it if I put effort in… I had planned to spend the whole month in the library dedicated to the revision, and work required to achieve those high grades I wanted, that I deserved (I had discounted my lazy ways of the rest of my degree!), with plans in place from the Local Authority to help me study a Masters. 

The first day of the holidays, I go to Lincoln to see my family, a Friday.. a weekend with family to charge my batteries for the big experience of actual hard work. I had not been there an hour before I received the phone call that changed my life forever. 

Three years on from that date and my brother is leaving, we have both got the point where me being a 'parent' just isn't working anymore. We have got to the end of that journey, ready to transition back to being brother and sister.  That was almost 3 months ago now.

My brother is happy, safe, stable, in education, exactly what I wanted for him.. but where has that left me?

When I am passionate about something, my whole self goes into it... those who know me, know I don't do things half arsed... It's all or nothing. 

So baring this in mind... that I am passionate about family, it goes without saying that I threw everything at trying to help my brother. 

To the extent that I made myself ill, this wasn't my brothers fault, I pushed myself too hard, too long, pushing and pushing instead of taking a step back ... it's hard to step back though when you just don't trust anyone else can do the job, that stepping back somehow meant I had failed. 

I guess this could be the same of anyone who cares for a family member.. my thoughts go to the child carers out there, looking after siblings and parents.. because there just isn't anyone else to do the job. 

Can we all pat ourselves on the back, and have a moment of realisation of what we are actually doing?

I had my first session of CBT this week, to help me get to 'me'... I wanted to say 'back to me', but actually, the version of me coming through has not existed before, and where ever I go in life... its not backwards! 

Things I learned at this session, 

- I have a deep imbedded self belief that I am not good enough (really...still?!?!)
-  Belief that somehow I am where I am because I am a very good con artist, and actually I don't know what the hell I am talking about.. and that any moment someone is going to jump out and say 'HA TRICKED YOU!! GET BACK IN YOUR HOLE!!' 
- I believe I don't deserve to do well... so I self criticise, put myself down (Again.. I thought I had dealt with this)
- I try and avoid situations where I might show weakness, because I believe that the weakness over takes the strengths in me

It is quite painful, sitting here, drinking a green tea.. putting down on paper these beliefs I have embedded inside myself... beliefs I thought I had dealt with.. and actually now I have not got the 'parent role' to hide behind.. I have to truly look at myself and actually get on with some self care, self belief work and change those beliefs from inside out to move on, and know who I am now. 

The transition has started, where will it take me? To a better person, a kinder person, a more confident person ? 

It won't take me a worse person, because thats not what this transition is about, its about looking after myself and actually being the person I am already to everyone else, to myself.. if that makes any sense at all? (Be kind to yourself!)

Welcome to my transition period, I hope me sharing my journey will help you on yours.

Saturday, 29 March 2014

A night out in the town

Please excuse typos and spelling mistakes I have yet to proof read on my laptop!

"This morning I feel...

Jittery, tired, sick, I need more sleep, can't think straight, I'm falling asleep in my chair, glad I don't have to talk to anyone not involved in last night before I go home and sort myself out...

No I didn't go out drinking last night, I was carrying out a sponsored 'rough' night out for the Archer Project on the streets of Sheffield." - Written on Saturday morning, I wasn't able to write anymore as my brain and body needed sleep. 

In reality, the experience was far from that of actually being homeless, we had cardboard, ground mats, sleeping bags, plenty of warm, dry, clean clothes on, one person had a camper bed. We were also in a big group of people that we could trust and also had people watching over us while we slept. We also had the choice to go in doors if it rained... I had decided that even if it did rain I would stay out, I had a 'survival' bag and would stay dry.. Thankfully it didn't rain. 

Our 'basics' would be luxury to someone on the streets. They best they can guarantee is the cardboard, and that's only if it hasn't been raining.

It's Monday morning and I struggled with ordering a morning coffee before my commute to work... I'm still not recovered, and I feel quite ashamed about that... Iv had home to go too, food to eat, a warm bed to sleep in.

On the Saturday after the sleep out I  went home climbed into bed and tried to sleep, I thought I would just fall straight to sleep, I was inside, safe... I didn't sleep.. My thought just went back to my experience the night before.

When I tried to sleep the night before I was worried, I had to stifle down an anxiety attack.. I battled between closing my sleeping bag up around my face to stay warm, with having it open so I could wake and see if anyone was coming over.. I didn't need to worry really as we were pretty damn safe. My friend slept beside me, and I actually used his snoring to get me to sleep.. I knew he was there and that I would be protected..( I should remember that when my bf snores in the night! ) 

The sleeping was only a small part of the experience a mear few hours, so I will start from the beginning and share my journey that has left me wanting to buy Easter eggs for every homeless person, because who else will? 

I was told about the event about a month ago when our local Labour Party cllr Maroof invited me to a fund raiser event to raise some money for the Archer Project, to go towards food and other needed items.

It was a fun night of all you can eat curry with friends, and we raised £68 through a raffle.

As soon as I was told about the work the Archer Project did I knew I had to be involved.. How could I not? I know full well that a large amount of people who are homeless have had experience of the care system.. I myself was almost homeless after a break up.

I signed up to the event and set up my just giving page ( ) which you can still donate to. 

I didn't actually think too much about the event in the weeks coming up to it, I had just returned to work after getting myself better from stress and that was my priority, work and me feeling good. 

I remembered on the Monday that not only did I need to sort my bedding for the night, I had promised to sort Cllr Maroof out with things as he has never been camping, so didn't own the items we needed. Thankfully my bf used to be in the scouts and his dad is a scout leader, so they had plenty of things I could borrow.. A high quality sleeping bag, a ground mat that had air in so was warmer than the usual ones and of course the survival bags. 

Friday came along and I went to the event with Maroof.. Registration was at 7pm, we signed in and got a name sticker and a bright wrist band. 

Around half 7 the team at the Archer Project sat us down to explain what they do at the project would and share how the event would carry out that evening... We wouldn't be going out till 9pm..

A tour of the place took place.. At the reception we were told that every year they deal with around 1400 people, and daily it's 70 - 90 people. They see these people between 8.30 am to 1.30pm, a small window really. What do they do for the rest of the day..?

The users of the service are registered and their needs noted. 

Those without benefits and no home were provided with breakfast, that is cooked by volunteers and users of the service (volunteers get a free meal out of helping, along with work experience)

The service also has a fully functioning medical room, with an X-ray machine, a dental xray machine and other things needed to treat those who come in. 

They also hold classes and sessions on a whole aray of areas; literacy, well being, confidence, music, football.. 

They explained that their work wasn't to just give to the homeless, it was work to help them move from the streets and hopefully into some kind of work or volunteering, and 'normal' life. 

After the tour, we sat and introduced why we were carrying out the event and who we were, time went very quick and before I knew it, it was time to get my stuff and go outside for the evening. 

Once outside I set up my 'bed' for the evening, then went on a 'tour' of Sheffield  from Gavin, a volunteer at the Archer Project who was homeless for 5 years (now has a bedsit and sells the big issue). The tour took us down back alleys, to locations you would not go if your were out shopping, or on a night out... The main reason these were places that a homeless person  could call 'home' for the night. 

The main locations had security cameras close by, to help you feel safe, and if anything did happen, the police would be there within minutes. 

Gavin shared a experience of another homeless person who would climb inside the big bins full of cardboard to stay warm, dry and undetected by anyone. If someone was new on the streets he would guide them and make sure they didn't go down the wrong place or play victim to the wrong people.

On the tour we walked past Mc Donald's where a young woman was sat begging... Gavin explained that she was most likely trying to get enough money to get a meal for the evening.. I had to hold back my tears. I asked Gavin if he thought it would be okay if I bought her something to eat.. He didn't think it would be an issue. 

When we got back to our camp, I walked straight back over to Mc Donald's with a couple of other sleep out particapants and spoke to the young woman.. She is Called Andrea. I ask if she would mind if I got her something to eat, she replies 'yes please' I ask her what she would want, 'I don't know, a burger or fries?', I say No, you can have a meal, what do you like, what would you prefer, do you want to come in with me? She smiles and replies 'I like chicken.. I'll wait here' I offer to get a coffee and she tells me someone is already getting her one, so I get her a hot chocolate instead. 

Once inside I order a large meal and a hot apple pie and take then out to her. 

I then ask if I can sit with her for a while and speak to her.. 'Of course' she replies. 

I spend the next half an hour talking to her while she wolfs down the food. Some homeless guys turn up and want to speak to her, they come over and another person sleeping out buys them a meal also. May I add, after finishing their food, they put their rubbish in the bin and Andrea shared what she had with the others..  How many people litter and are selfish with their food that you know or have seen?

When they go across the road I ask if they are friends.. She tells me 'you don't have friends on the street, you have people you associate with, but I try to avoid them if they have been drinking as they can turn'.. I tell her if she wants she can 'camp' with us this evening as it will be safe and there is food about... 'Maybe' she replies 'it is safe where I go I can pull a bin in front of me and no one knows I am there'.. My heart aches... That isn't safe... 

I ask Andrea why she is homeless, with the added extra of you don't need to answer that if you don't want to.

Andrea has been homeless since last August as she moved in her with now Ex bf, they broke up and as it was his place she had to move out.. With no where to go, she ended up on the streets. Because she was healthy.. She isn't a priority.. You also need a fixed address to bid on a place..? How on earth does that benefit the homeless?! 

I thoughts jumped back 2 and half years ago, to when I was in the same situation, my relationship broke down, the place was his... If it wasn't for some very amazing people I would have been homeless, alongside with having to care for my teenage brother.

 I want you to now think about the beginning of the year and how cold and wet it was... And imagine if you had to be sat on the streets trying to keep warm and dry... 

I told her she must come with me and speak to Cllr Maroof and see if there was anything he could help with. 

One of the guys came back over and said Nigel really wasn't well.. He hasn't eaten properly all week, so we go across the road to see how he is. 

I take them all back to camp, 4 in all and get some soup and introduce them to the people there. One knows a worker there so I leave him to speak to the worker for a while..I leave Andrea speaking with Cllr Maroof about her experience..  I stay with Nigel who is in a bad way, he can't cope, sleep deprived, starving, exhausted, mentally 'messed up' (his words not mine!) 

I take him to one side and speak to him, he tells he has been in and put of prison for 22 years.. Because it was easier being inside than dealing with life outside. 'Iv been insitutionilised'  

Hold that thought .. 22 years?! Almost as many years as I am alive.. He doesn't know how to use a mobile or text.. Not that he owns one anyway. How much has society changed in that time.. Internet, technology! 

He has been out 3 months, the longest time, he wants to make something of his life, while also feeling like he's lost half his life... His heads in termoil, fighting with himself, wanting to deal with 'real' life but being utterly unprepared and overwhelming by many issues.

He tells me his brother committed suicide 3 weeks ago... His family knew he was in Sheffield but didn't tell him, so he couldn't go to the funeral.. He feels lost and so upset.. He couldn't say goodbye to his brother... He doesn't know if he can go on.. He ponders if killing himself would be easier.. He would be with his parents and brother... 

I speak with him for a good while, tell him he is worth living, that if he likes I can try and get him some help with dealing with his issues... 'I do, but I get angry when people ask me to talk about things'... I reply 'you aren't angry with me are you?.. Would you feel happy speaking to me?'

I can speak to you he says, 'you are the first person who I haven't had to speak to, that hasn't had to speak to me, your not a parole officer or a key worker, you are just a kind person. I really appreciate that, it means a lot. Thank you'

I promise I will try and do some work with him.. He says he's not good at being places at certain times.. That's ok I say.. I'll find you, it would be silly of me to give someone a time to be somewhere when you don't live by the clock, 'I can't have you watching the townhall clock all day can I'I tell him ! 

We go back over and I ask if I can tag along with them for the evening.. 'Of course' they reply. 

It is around half 10 and it's time for them to try and get some money so they can have a bed to sleep in.. For the past week 3 of them had slept on a single mattress down a back alley.

We walk along to Division street and Nigel gets us all cardboard to sit on so we don't get cold. 

Andrea sits next to the cash machine and I sit with her for a while, I can see Nigel is really struggleing to stay awake, not great when they are both trying to get £25 between them for a b n b for the night. I go and sit with him, and chat to him, we tell some jokes to each other, silly jokes and he tells me abit more about his life. I offer to get him a coffee and he insists I don't as he feels like he's taking advantage... I feel incredibly emotional about this.. £1.70 is small cost to me. I go and get him one anyway at the burger bar outside mother care. The owner tells me he used to give food to the homeless, but then 30-40 started to turn up and he just couldn't afford it. 

I come back to Nigel give him his coffee and chat to him a bit more, then a woman and her partner walks past, mutters 'disgusting' and gives me the most dirtiest of looks.. She actually thinks I'm homeless aswell, and response is one of utter awfulness. I stare at her as she walks past, I don't have the shame that is linked to being on the streets and I will challenge people like her... I wonder how long that would last if I actually was homeless? 

A short while after the street is getting busy as it's getting to nearly 12, we have been sat out for over an hour. 

A group of lads walk past see me and stop, "what are you doing out here? You need to get yourself inside!!" I tell them it's ok, I'm carrying out a sponsored sleep out to raise cash and awareness of the homeless. The guys are making man jokes about football with Nigel and they give him some cash. One of the guys asks which church I am with..' I'm not with a church? Why would I need to be? ' He then says ' I bet you are from a really privileged background and just want to do some good' at this point I laugh at him.. No I say. I grew up in foster care. 

We are then interrupted by one of their friends 'just give them some money so we can f off'.. I ask him why he is being so rude, he looks stunned, he double takes and realises I have a name sticker, I'm clean, I'm in warm clothes.. I'm
Not Homeless... I repeat my question, his reply 'because I can' so I tell him to grow up.

Anyway that group moves on and a few mins later Andrea says she has enough for a b n b. 

They look around for the other two, they don't want them about.. The other two want to spend the money on other things other than a bed for the night so we take a quick run down the back alleys. 

We part our ways, and I tell them.. If it's too late for them to get in the b n b then let come back to me and let me know and we will get some warm and safe for the night. 

I walk back to camp and sit and think about the experience, it takes me another hour to actually get in my sleeping bag and try and sleep for the night....

I have spent all weekend thinking about the people I met, I went to the shops and wanted to buy them food.. Something has changed, I can't ignore them, or rush past. My own mental health has improved, how can I feel down when I have so much, and people have so little? Realisation of the situation. 

When I got to Manchester for work I bought a sandwich as well as my lunch, and promised myself I would give it to the next homeless person I saw.. It was an elderly man on my way home, he smiled and I rushed off for my train home. 

I want you to think about the person who's asking you for spare change, and actually look at them. Are they falling asleep because they haven't been able to sleep? Not because they are on drugs

Are they drinking because it helps numb the pain of loss of family or mental health issues, or the physical pain of sleeping on a cold hard floor every night? 

Some of our group drank alcohol to help get them to sleep.. How is this different to a homeless person, because we buy more expensive beer? because we have a home? 

Do something you didn't do yesterday, instead of walking past that homeless person, take a moment ask if they want something to eat, if you don't want to give them cash that's fine.. But surely you can spend a quid or two on a sandwich? 

Sunday, 16 February 2014

A step too far - pushed too long?

I start this blog feeling very low, very numb and on edge of breaking down completely. 

Words of explanation just don't want to come out, I feel muted and stuck... I have pushed myself to far for too long and my head and heart have pulled the emergency stop button, leaving me feeling stuck and not sure how to start moving forwards again.

As I have mentioned before, I have had difficulties with caring for my brother, I thought a new year and a lovely Christmas was the start of it being easier for once. I was wrong, behaviour has slipped, my heart and head has had to deal with him going missing twice in as many weeks. I just feel like I have got a point where I can't go forwards anymore.. My head and heart won't let me deal with it.. I have exhuasted all my routes I can give. 

I had a meeting with a support worker last week, who told me I take too much on and don't have enough time for myself, I sat there and cried for 20 mins. I have pushed myself to breaking point to try and be the best person I can be, and instead pushed myself too far and feel broken. 

What happens now? Practically social services are now getting more involved to help and support.. What this means I don't know as none of the other meetings and workers seem to have made any difference, apart from taking my time and energy to attend said meetings and explain everything over and over. 

Emotionally... I don't know, I am at point on my life that I didn't think I would allow myself to be again, a point where I can't move forwards.. Pushed forwards with words of 'your doing a great job' 'just keep going he will realise in time what you are doing for him' from the professionals around me..And so I did, not wanting to fail my brother or myself.. and it's has left me exhausted in all ways. 

What's next? I don't know. I need to pull myself together again, I need to heal myself.. Because right now, I am doing no good and am no good for anything other than wanting to sit in a ball and let life go on around round me without responding. 

Time will heal the hurt and pain I know this... I just don't feel like I have time to have time. How ironic.

I just want to cry it all out...