Monday, 8 October 2012

writers block ?!

So over a month ago now, I wrote another piece for the Guardian... and I still haven't sent it off.. I don't know why, maybe because I am holding myself back or maybe I have been swamped with life and work, and have not had time to sit and think about what I want to write and what I feel about things.

I will send it tomorrow. (brownie promise!)

I have had writers block on something I have been writing for Lisa Cherry and her second book about positive outcomes from negative times.

I think the hardest thing is not having confidence in my words or that I am doing it right, which is stupid because its my life, how can I not tell my life right?!

The other hard thing is having to look down into myself and pick away at why I am the way I am. To look into yourself is a hard thing, to recognise and change is even harder.

I could be writing my piece now, but I am SO tired.. physically and mentally, too tired to pick at myself too much... I have been working massively hard at work to push forward the Looked After Children project and embed the work so it will continue to be done even if I am not there. But most recently its been the Open Day project that has taken the most out of me, long hours and alot of making sure the little jobs are being done, and what has felt like 3 jobs filling the 1 I had just completed. Its a hard job, but I love doing it...

I successfully ran a welcome event in the enrolment week, for Compact students* and Care Leavers, it was a drop in session where I invited the different support teams at the university, from Well being to Disabled Student Support. Students were able to drop in over a few hours, and talk to the support teams if they needed and everyone spent at least 20mins in the room talking and discussing and being supported... I was so happy to see this!

I will be asking for feedback from the students who came in a the next couple of weeks, because its not about how many people the event helped, its about how they were helped and how that will help them succeed at university.

I hope I will have more energy soon, sadly with the students coming back I have been run down for a few weeks now, so have not felt like exercising or getting fresh air which doesn't help my energy levels.. Yes exercising gives me more energy!

Anyway I need sleep as I have not been sleeping well lately (fighting the insomnia!) and I feel pooped!

Night All!!

*Compact students are students who have come through the SHU compact scheme, something for students at schools and colleges that Sheffield Hallam has a partnership with, it is open to students at 6th form or college who are applying to university with extenuating circumstances or low income. The scheme gives extra support through the admissions process.

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